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Wiimer's Advisory Bodies


In line with corporate governance best practices, Wiimer has set up a Strategic Development Committee (chaired by Mr. William Hosono), an Industry Committee (chaired by Dr. Ana Lehmann) and a Scientific Committee (chaired by Dr. André Augusto).

Mr. Hosono is a seasoned executive director, with a 30-year management experience in electrical, electronics and software industries.

William has specialized in managing regional business units with broad experiences in sales & marketing, operations, supply chain, in different European and Asian geographies. He served at multinational technology companies, namely Schlumberger, Actaris and Itron.

William holds a MSc in Electrical and Industrial Engineering from the Ecole Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Electricité (France) and executive education at HEC Paris and Babson College.

Dr. Ana Lehmann has a 20+ years international career spanning academia, consultancy, public policy and management. Her areas of specialization focus on the competitiveness of firms and industries - foreign direct investment attraction, internationalization, innovation, digital transformation and public policy.

Associate Professor, FEP-U.Porto; has been Visiting Professor/Researcher in several US and European universities (Columbia, Glasgow, among others). Consultant to international organizations (OECD, UNCTAD, European Commission, inter alia) and of Governments in different countries.

Held managerial positions, executive and non-executive, in circa two dozens of organizations – companies, foundations, non-profit associations. Founded several firms. Currently serves as President of the Investment Committee at the Social Innovation Fund; and President of the General Council at the Fund of Funds for Internationalization. Serves in Boards of international organizations, and is Board Chairperson in a private company. Has been State Secretary for Industry (Portuguese Government), Vice-President, CCDR-N, Pro-Vice Chancellor of U.Porto, among other responsibilities. Former President and currently Fellow of the European International Business Academy.

Regular speaker at top level conferences, Editor of scientific journals, and an author widely published in in her field. Won several awards for scientific merit and career recognition. Holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics (University of Reading, UK) and a BSc in Management (U.Porto).

Dr. André Augusto is head of silicon heterojunction solar cells, materials and modules research at Solar Power Laboratory at Arizona State University. Most of his projects are highly collaborative and in the past years he has been working with different academic institutions across the world, industry, national labs, governmental institutions, and the military.

André's interests are renewable energy (with strong focus on photovoltaics, but also on energy in buildings and wind power generation), energy systems (in particular in cities and in developing regions), policy and economy (with strong focus on energy, product development, industrialization, and entrepreneurship), sustainability (energy and beyond), and education.

André's background is in physics engineering with a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems.


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